Winning and Loosing….

Life isn’t just about winning. We win some and we loose some. Winning is “good”, but, losing is “good for you”, if you let it..because it gives us a chance to learn a new lesson… a chance to become strong…and a chance to evaluate ourself.

Just like training makes us a better athlete, losing trains our mind to set new goals and will make us realize, there is always going to be someone better than you or somewhere we wont fit. To become better, we must learn from our mistakes we make and correct them for future confrontations.

Important thing is not that we lost, it’s about how we bounce back. For the most improvement, we must compete against ourself. Every coin has two sides and you dont know which side it will fall when you toss it…so just chill n njoy that losing bcoz anyways u will have many around you to njoy when u r winning…


No Good Bye yet for u my friend…

Some people come into our lives and stay there forever. Others come and go. Things also do the same: items of clothing, pieces of furniture. Here one day, gone the next. We have to be philosophical. We have to hang on to what we can for as long as we can and then, once it’s gone, let it go with good grace. Sometimes, just when we are least expecting it, we find ourselves revisiting a part of the past. Or we find that a part of the past is revisiting us. Some people and places come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.

World is really small…You and I will meet again. Don’t want to leave, but we both know sometimes its better to go. Somehow I know we’ll meet again. Not sure quite where and I don’t know just when. You are in my heart. And when we’re least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won’t say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again. Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters…so until then wanna smile for u, wanna cry for u, wanna keep you in my memory…So, no Good Bye yet for u.

Inevitable Change… RIGHT or WRONG

Once, folk drank a little coffee now and then. Now, we are all edgy caffeine addicts, juddering and jiggling round the cappuccino counter. Well, some of us are. Others prefer energy drinks. Fizzing fancy potions designed to keep us all ‘alert’. Alert, perhaps. Agitated, restless and slightly paranoid… for sure! Where’s the cup of clear refreshing inspiration, drawn fresh from the fountain of wisdom? We think we need something extra. Really, we need less of all we think we need, more confidence in what we already have. And in who we already are.

We make agreements with each other. Sometimes we spell out terms and agreements. We sign documents. We shake hands. Sometimes, we do it all on a nod of the head and a look in the eye. It makes little difference. For as long as there’s the will to keep an arrangement alive, it will succeed. As soon as there’s doubt, change will swiftly follow. As with maintaining relationships, so with forming them in the first place.

It is never a good idea to make a commitment that you cannot keep. Sometimes, though, no matter how much integrity you have or how carefully you make your promises, circumstances change. Factors that you could never have allowed for arise. Then, what are you supposed to do? Force yourself to live a lie? Try to reconcile two opposing imperatives? Or just question your reality? No human being will ever manage to live their life without some degree of inconsistency. There’s no shame in changing.

If it were always easy to do the right thing, then why would anyone ever do the wrong one? The trouble is, not only is it often hard to be morally and spiritually correct, it is even harder to know what on earth those terms actually mean. Once we get away from extreme and obvious examples, we find many definitions of ‘the right thing’ and they could all be equally misguided to become “that wrong thing”. Without the wrong side, we can not define what is that right thing we always need to do. Sometimes we might end up doing the wrong thing for right reasons.


Sometimes, we get so caught up in the pressures of daily life that we lose all sense of direction and purpose. It begins to seem as if we are lurching from one crisis to the next or as if the best we can hope for is an ability to keep our heads above water. If you are tempted to nod in profound agreement with all that I have just said, please think again!! For one thing, we all need to keep our head still while we are trying to float and, for another, the observations above describe our past, and not our future. So LIVE LIFE and LET OTHERS LIVE…:)