

We fear that we are inadequate, but our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves: “Who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented,fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be these things?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that
other people around you won’t feel insecure.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We are born to manifest the glory of God
that is within us.

~Marriane Williamson, from “A Return to Love”
Quoted by Nelson Mandela in his inaugural Presidential speech.


We…IT Guys

A Poem About Us!!

In the confines of cubicles, by artificial light,
Sipping coffee from the machines day and night.
Speaking on phones, in meetings we sit.
Staring the monitor, the keyboard(s) we hit.
Far away from loved ones whom for days we do not meet.
Remembering them, working, on our seat.
Working away from homes and loved ones in places afar.
This is the kind of IT people we are !!!


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